Early next month I’ll be the feature at the LOMA open mic in Lincoln, MA. That’s Feb. 10, 2025 at Bemis Hall, 15 Bedford Rd.. The whole shebang runs from 7 to 10 pm, & I’ll be doing a set in the middle. I’m excited to be leaving the North Country for once. Haven’t played a “coffee house” in Mass. since the Turk’s Head and The Sword in the Stone!
If you’re curious but don’t know me, please see video in my previous post. I’m happy to stand by that one.
Another year, another show at John Davidson’s Club Sandwich. Last year’s show sold out, and I had a great time, as seen in this picture.
The date: SEPTEMBER 1
A big difference this year: In addition to the in-person seating at Club Sandwich, the concert will be live-streamed, at half the ticket price. So all of you distant friends can be there, in the comfort of your own home, apartment, cabin, or wi-fi-equipped Airstream.
Stay tuned for details, or heck, go get tickets right now at
I found a song that expresses our longing in the 2020 Holiday season. So I recorded it, with too many guitar parts, as usual. And now, as the Holiday season ends, but our longing does not, I post it here.
Meanwhile, as the new year begins, I’m working nights in the studio, and if anything comes of it, I’ll post it here.
In the winter of 2018-2019 The Sandwich Rangers spent some time in the 3 LB Hammer Studio recording original Doug Hazard and Lisa Ferguson songs. These were all “live” takes, 4 musicians playing together, nothing added but a little reverb.
Here are the Hazard tunes. I like the way they came out, mostly relaxed but flowing over Dick’s acoustic bass, Jon’s hand drumming and harmonica, Lisa’s fancy guitar work and harmony vocals.
Love Won’t Stop The Rain is a ridiculously optimistic Pollyanna of a tune, there’s no denying. But I have been ridiculously lucky in this life, and this condensed autobiography expresses that.
Love Won’t Stop The Rain
My Good Gal’s Gone, aka Too Late is not autobiographical at all… at least not so far. But I think we can all relate to the feeling of waking up with a new understanding of our mistakes, and also the knowledge that it’s too late to fix them. Can’t relate? — Lucky you!
My Good Gal’s Gone (Too Late)
Take My Breath Away is known to all the various musicians I play it with as The Happy Song. That apparently relates to how they feel playing it, because the lyrics are more like a sticky mudball of politics and fairy tales rolling through the seasons down a slope of WTF. (Couldn’t have said it better myself!) I’m not satisfied with this version, but I’m beginning to fear that this is one of my song’s that I’ll never arrange and record to my own satisfaction. Nonetheless we play it and are happy.
The Happy Song
The one song in this group that I’ve recorded before is The Whiskey Boat . It appeared previously on the Idol Hands album “See Around That Corner.” That’s a good version, but I wanted to play it with the Rangers, and I’m glad I did. I wrote this song for no particular reason; rather I should say that it wrote itself, came to me unbidden on my screenporch one evening, a much-appreciated gift… gift from ??
The Whiskey Boat
Ill Wind is the final selection here, the newest of my “wise-ass” songs, which many feel are the truest expression of my thoughts. They’re not wrong. It’s a yin/yang cosmos, and I illustrate that here with some good examples and some very bad ones.
Ill Wind
Tune in again to doughazard.com for upcoming audio posts, including the Lisa Ferguson songs from these same sessions, and solo versions of Hazard songs accumulated during 2020’s excessively solo spring.
January has been officially designated Flu Month in our household. The better part of 3 weeks, and we’re still not 100%. My voice has been missing for 2 weeks now… and I miss it!
This past Saturday night The Sandwich Rangers had a very satisfying concert at The Sandwich Arts Center. I couldn’t croak a note, but Lisa sang a few of my songs for me, as well as her own great tunes, and I noodled on mandolin and guitar, and a good time was had by all.
And now that February begins, I’ll be again hosting Wednesday nights at The Corner House. Here’s the month’s lineup:
Feb 28 DICK HODGES, plus all those whose music he’s improved with his bass playing– or at least as many as can make it.
There are also some new dates added on into the summer. Check the Appearances page.
The “Dangerous Folksinger” album is now out. Available at this point only from the DF his self. See the Contact page. It will be available through CD Baby and all the usual virtual places soon.
Early 2018 bookings are listed on the Appearances page.
After a good 3 years of work, “Dangerous Folksinger” is going to production. This is a remaking of an album that first appeared, on tape only, in 1986. It should be available in the next few weeks– stay tuned!
On the Videos page, I’ve made a section of election-year compositions.
First, “Ax to Grind“, written after the election of 1980. Some folks are finding it cathartic here in 2017.
Next: “The Tunnel at the End of the Light“, written before the election of Barack Obama in 2008, and subtitled “White Men Vote Republican”. I turned out to be as surprised by that election as by 2016’s, so clearly I’m no pundit.
And finally, “Blame The Victim“, written in the summer of 2016.”
Also newly posted is a folkie fingerpicking mashup of “Solid Gone” and “Baltimore To Washington“, also sometimes known as “McKinley’s White House Blues“. This could be a part of a section called “US Presidents Who’ve Been Shot,” but that would be a separate piece.